Thursday, April 14, 2011

Open Doors for Women was a success!

t’s hard to wipe the smiles of our faces today, because our event totally rocked!

We couldn’t be more happily surprised to get over than 50 girls visiting our office last night to share thoughts and ideas about “Women in IT”. It was a super fun night, with drinks and cupcakes, meeting new and old friends.
The event started with everyone getting to know each other a little better and then we had a brief introduction on ThoughtWorks: who we are, what we do and why we wanted to build a community to increase Diversity by bringing more women to the IT Industry.
We had a brainstorm on the reasons why there are so few women working in the area and heard the stories on how the female ThoughtWorkers got into it.
A fun game showed everyone how important soft skills are to succeed in the IT world and at the end of the night we had a “tour” to show everyone our office.
It was great to hear from the attendance and we got excellent feedback. Check the testimonial we received from one of the girls, Cassiana Giani:

"When I graduated from High School, I was really into chemistry and math - and I had no idea of what I wanted, by the way.
So I tried Chemistry Engineering at a Public University and Thank God I didn't pass the Entrance Exam.
After a while, I decided to study Business Administration - Foreign Trade, because it sounded like a good idea, and I started working temporarily as an English Teacher. Since finding a job in the BA field was kind of difficult, I joined an IT company as a Translator, and when I realized I was being trained to be a Business Analyst... and I fell in love with Information Technology!
Now I am a Trainee in IT, and I am learning incredible things.
People who don't know the IT area believe it is all about programming, and being a computer nerdy. But when you get to know it, you realize how big that is, the great number of opportunities it offers and the lack of business people there is."

Check out some pictures of the event!

We are looking forward to have another cool night like this one, very soon!


  1. As a girl in IT, I wish I had the opportunity to be there in this event!

  2. Thank you girls for a great night! :)

  3. Hi girls, it was awesome!I am very happy to have participated, certainly I'll attend the next meeting too! ;-)

  4. Hii Girls!
    The meeting was AWE-SO-ME! Loved the talking, the jokes AND the CUPCAKES!
    Looking foward to the next one :D


  5. Hi, my name is Wandrieli Nery Barbosa and I am a new woman professional of tecnology, and I am love it!
    So I am enjoying your job and if you need I am here for help you... I want to show that all womans can be great IT professional too..
    I already work with this on the group /MNT - Mulheres na Tecnologia (Womans in the tecnology), and I am a columnist. With this jobs I seek new womans IT professional.

    My twitter: @wandrieli
    My columns: - and in magazine Espírito Livre -
